
Complete this form to express your interest in lessons and ensembles. Your inquiry will be sent to all faculty indicated.
Private lessons are available for classical and contemporary voice, piano, guitar, organ and all orchestral instruments. Lessons may be taken only for academic credit. Music performance fees are $650 per semester for non-majors taking performance courses for academic credit. Music majors may have the fee waived for one lesson per semester. If music majors wish to study a second instrument, a fee of $650 will apply for the additional lesson. Contact your instructor to inquire about scholarship assistance. Credit lessons at the 200 level and above have co-requisites. See below for details.
Fees are billed through Student Financial Services and are non-refundable after the end of the registration period.
Credit lessons
- Credit: Credit lessons award 2 credits per semester for 12 private 60-minute lessons per semester, or the equivalent
- Lesson registration: You will register for lessons as you would any other course: during registration period and add/drop, via the course catalog. When you sign up for a lesson, e-mail your instructor to let them know of your interest and to arrange your weekly lesson time.
- Fees: A private lesson fee of $650 per semester will be billed through Student Financial Services. The fee is waived for declared music majors. If fees would prevent you from taking lessons, contact your instructor, who can nominate you for scholarship assistance.
- Auditions: No audition is required for 100-level lessons, which are aimed at beginning students. Intermediate and advanced students may wish to take lessons at the 200 level or above, so that their transcript reflects their proficiency level.
- Co-requisites: To earn academic credit for lessons, students must also take one additional course in the Music Department each year. See the schedule of co-requisites below.
- Practice: 6 hours of practice are required weekly.
- Exams: Credit lessons require a performance exam, which will be scheduled during the first two days of Exam week. As with other college exams, attendance is mandatory, and students should contact their instructor to learn the exam date before scheduling any end-of-semester travel plans.
Pre-/co-requisites for credit lessons
To earn academic credit for lessons, students must also take one additional course in the Music Department each year. Co-requisites must be taken before or during the 2nd, 4th, and 6th semesters of credit study. Eligible courses for co-requisites:
- MUSC 113 Intro to Music Theory
- MUSC 114 Theory I
- MUSC 115 Theory II
- MUSC 214 Theory III
- One year’s co-requisite may be any MUSC course at the 200 level or above.
If you are not able to meet the co-requisites in your 2nd, 4th, and 6th semesters of credit study, you should instead take non-credit lessons until you can meet the requirements, or you may contact the Director of Performance to request a one-time exception.
To learn which Theory course is best for you, take the Theory Placement test.
Further details on lessons
- Auditions and placement: To qualify for performance study with academic credit, a student must meet with the instructor. Placement auditions are scheduled during orientation and may also be scheduled privately with the instructor at the start of each semester. Levels of study are assigned by the instructor.
- Beginners: A minimum level of proficiency is required to receive college credit for lessons. Beginners should take non-credit lessons until they qualify for credit lessons. The exception is Music Majors, who may take beginning lessons at the 000 level.
- Group lessons: Depending on student interest, group lessons may be offered for voice and some instruments. Class size is limited to four to six students and the students will share the fee for one-hour, noncredit lessons. An offering of group lessons is contingent on the number of students interested and their level of play.
- Major declaration: Students may normally declare a music major as early as the second semester of their first college year. But first-semester students may contact the Music Department Chair for permission to declare their major early, provided that they are enrolled in Wheaton’s music classes, and can demonstrate commitment to majoring in music.
- Multiple lessons: While lessons on a secondary instrument are permitted, triple lessons require the approval of the Director of Performance. To be eligible, students must have received As (not A-) in two simultaneous lessons taken during their previous semester of lessons.
- Off-campus lessons: Students must assume the cost of credit or noncredit lessons taken off campus.
- Registration: Registration for all lessons is administered with an online form. Contact your instructor in order to receive a link to the registration form.
Questions: Contact the Music Department Chair.