Greek, Latin and Ancient Mediterranean Studies Department

The Department of Greek, Latin and Ancient Mediterranean Studies at Wheaton College offers a full program of courses in the languages, literatures, and cultures of Greco-Roman antiquity. We encourage our students to develop skill and sophistication in the close and careful reading of texts central to the Western tradition, as well as texts that lie outside the traditionally defined canon. We stress the interpretation of these texts in the light of their own historical contexts, and in the uses that have been made of them in subsequent ages.

Classics is a Liberal Arts discipline. Concentrating on Classics alone, some of our recent students have gone on to careers in teaching, library science, publishing, and arts administration. Others have combined a major or a minor in Classics with majors in English, History, Theater, Anthropology, Mathematics, Chemistry and Computer Science. Classics is an excellent pre-professional program, and students have applied the skills they learned in the Classics program to law school and medical school. In combination with related courses taught in the Departments of History of Art, Philosophy, and Religion, we also offer exciting opportunities for students who want to create their own interdisciplinary majors in Ancient Studies, and for students who wish to pursue their Classical studies at the graduate level.

Contact the Chair

Dana M. Polanichka

Chair, Department of History and Humanities
Professor of History
Hannah Goldberg Chair in Teaching Innovation


Knapton 327
