Josh Stenger

Associate Provost for Academic Administration and Faculty Affairs
Professor of Film, Media, and Communications


Phone: 508-286-3936


Ph.D., Syracuse University
M.A., Syracuse University
B.A., University of California, Los Angeles


Main Interests

  • changes in higher education, especially liberal arts education
  • digital humanities
  • fan studies
  • digital literacy, computational thinking, data literacy & data visualization
  • participatory cultures, social media, fandom, relationship between technology and culture
  • DIY, making & makerspaces, disruptive innovation
  • US film history, especially the Hollywood studio system and the New Hollywood


Canon Fodder: Fanfiction metadata and what mining it can tell us about fandom. Work in process.

“I’m not really a ‘fan’, but…”: Fandom, Learning and the Future of Higher Education.” Flow: A Critical Forum on Media and Culture, May 28, 2019. (

“Undisciplined and Beyond Content: Teaching Fan Studies to the Academy.” Flow: A Critical Forum on Media and Culture, March 26, 2019. (

“Fandom, Fan Studies, and the New Education.” Flow: A Critical Forum on Media and Culture, January 29, 2019. (

“Mapping the Beach: Beach Movies, Exploitation Film and Geographies of Whiteness.” The Persistence of Whiteness: Race and Contemporary Hollywood Cinema. Ed. by Daniel Bernardi. London: Routledge, 2007. 28-50.

“Return to Oz: The Hollywood Redevelopment Project, or Film History as Urban Renewal.” Film Histories: An Introduction and Reader. Ed. by Paul Grainge, Mark Jancovich and Sharon Monteith. Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP, 2007. 539-549.

“The Clothes Make the Fan: Fashion and Online Fandom when Buffy the Vampire Slayer Goes to eBay.” Cinema Journal. Vol. 45, no. 4 (Summer 2006). 26-44.

“Consuming the Planet: Planet Hollywood, Stars, and the Global Consumer Culture.” Hollywood: Critical Concepts in Media and Cultural Studies. Ed. by Thomas Schatz. London: Routledge, 2003. 346-366 (in Volume IV: Cultural Dimensions: Ideology, Identity and Culture Industry Studies).

“Return to Oz: The Hollywood Redevelopment Project, or Film History as Urban Renewal.” Cinema and the City: Film and Urban Societies in a Global Context. Ed. by Mark Shiel and Tony Fitzmaurice. London: Blackwell, 2001. 59-72

“Lights, Camera, Faction: (Re)Producing Los Angeles at Universal’s CityWalk.” Hollywood Goes Shopping. Ed. by David Desser & Garth Jowett. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2000. 277-308

“Consuming the Planet: Planet Hollywood, Stars, and the Global Consumer Culture.” Velvet Light Trap, #40 (Fall 1997). 42-55

Teaching Interests

Courses I currently teach include:

Film Studies

ENG 249: Hollywood Genres
ENG 250: Film History I – Cinema through 1940
ENG 257: Race & Racism in U.S. Cinema
ENG 348: Sexual Politics of Film Noir

New Media

FNMS 231: Introduction to New Media
ENG 331: Digital Culture
FNMS 244: Visualizing Cultural Data
Only offered during summer session. Co-taught with Tom Armstrong


ENG 101: Writing in the Digital Age
First Year Seminar
FNMS 401: Senior Seminar

Research Interests

  • The relationship between cinematic representation, race and urban space (with specific attention to how this is expressed through/in Hollywood film and Los Angeles)
  • Fandom and transmedia storytelling
  • The geohistory of film exhibition in the US
  • The impact of digital technologies on the creative industries
  • The impact of digital technologies on higher education, pedagogy, scholarly research and publishing
  • Affinity communities, shared knowledge and collective intelligence
profile photo of Josh Stenger


Film and New Media



Park Hall Room 108


By appointment