Professor of Mathematics, Emerita
Ph.D., Rutgers University
M.S., Rutgers University
B.A., Queens College (CUNY)
Student Projects
“Multidimensional Scaling and Threshold Dimension” (coauthor Margaret B.Cozzens)
Journal of Mathematical Psychology, vol. 31, no. 2, June 1987.
“Psychophysical Methods Analyzed Using Tree Diagrams” – short version
(coauthor Thomas R. Corwin) Fechner Day 1991: Proceedings of the
International Society for Psychophysics, ed. Gregory Lockhead.
“Writing Discrete(ly)”, Discrete Mathematics in the Schools, DIMACS Series in
Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 36, 1997.
“An Investigation of the Sequence of Catalan Numbers with Activities for
Prospective Teachers”, (coauthors: Lowell Carmony, John Koker,
Norbert J. Kuenzi, Asuman Oktac), School Science and Mathematics,
vol. 98, no. 1, January 1998.