Associate Professor of Economics
Business and Economics Department
Ph.D., M.A., Stanford University
B.S., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Published Papers
Evolving Intellectual Property Protection for New Corn Varieties in the United States: An Empirical Analysis, The Journal of World Intellectual Property (2024)
The Welfare Effects of Licensing Product-Differentiating Technology in a Commodity Market, Review of Industrial Organization, Vol. 60, pages 491–510 (2022)
A Dynamic Model of Housing Demand: Estimation and Policy Implications with Patrick Bajari, Dirk Krueger, and Daniel Miller, International Economic Review, Vol. 54, No. 2, pp. 409-442 (2013)
Do Firms with Larger Patent Portfolios Create More New Plant Varieties in the U.S. Agricultural Biotechnology Industry?, Economics of Innovation and New Technology, Vol 28, No. 8, pp. 749-775 (2011)
The Determinants of International Patenting for Nine Agricultural Biotechnology Firms,The Journal of Industrial Economics, Vol. 58, No. 2, pp. 247-278, (2010)
Comparing Nonprofit versus For-Profit Innovation in the U.S. Biotechnology and Agricultural Industry, Economics of Technological Change, Beane, T. (ed), Nova Publishers (2007)
International Patent Behavior of Nine Major Agricultural Biotechnology Firms, AgBioForum (2006)
Empirical Analysis of Patenting Decisions in Agricultural Biotechnology (Ph.D. dissertation)
Working Papers
Measuring Innovation in Agricultural Biotechnology: A Comparison of Two Measures (2005)
Teaching Interests
- ECON 102 Introduction to Microeconomics
- ECON 202 Microeconomic Theory
- ECON 262 Health Economics
- ECON 361 Industrial Organization and Public Policy
- ECON 401 Seminar: Topics in Law and Economics
Students interested in exploring career options (graduate school or jobs) with a bachelor’s degree in economics should refer to the Filene Center webpages and the American Economic Association‘s website.
Research Interests
My research interests focus on empirical work in industrial organization and on intellectual property rights related to the agricultural biotechnology industry.