Associate Professor of Hispanic Studies
Languages and Culture Department
Ph.D., University of Illinois, Chicago
M.A., University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
B.A., Universidad de Valencia, Spain
“A Public Household: Hipòlita Roís de Liori, Networking and (text)tile business in 16th-Century Valencia and Catalonia.” in Perspectives on Early Modern Women in Iberia and the Americas: Studies in Law, Society, Art and Literature in Honor of Anne J. Cruz. Ed. Maria Cristina Quintero and Adrienne Martín. Nueva York: ESCRIBANA BOOKS, 2015.
“From Mother to Daughter: Educational Lineage in the Correspondence between the Countess of Palamós and Estefania de Requesens” in Women’s Literacy in Early Modern Spain and the New World. Ed. Anne J. Cruz and Rosilie Hernández-Pecoraro. Aldershot, UK; Burlington,VT: Ashgate, 2011.
“¿Dónde está el cabeza de familia?: El gobierno de Teresa Panza, razón de estado y ejemplaridad doméstica.” Cervantes 33.1 (2013): 167-198.
2016 “Performing Women’s Governments in Early Modern Spain: From the Archives to the Theatre.” Presented at The Renaissance Society of America. March 30- April2 2016.
2015 “Female Employers and Employees in Early Modern Catalonia.” Presented at Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque Symposium. University of Miami. Miami (February 19-21).
2014 “Meriendas de mujeres: Los libros de gastos de la despensa de la señora Jerónima de Gralla I Hostalric” Presented at GEMELA (Grupo de Estudios sobre la mujer en España y las Américas) hosted at the University of Lisbon, Portugal (September 8-10).
2014 “De soldados, caballeros y cyborgs.” Presented at National Cervantes Symposium. Chicago, April 2014.
2014 “Resolución Varonil and Transnational Exemplarity: Isabel Clara Eugenia and the Countess of Tyrconnel. Presented at The Renaissance Society of America. March, 2014.
2014 “A Businesswoman in 16th-Century Catalonia: Hipòlita Roís de Liori and the (Text)tile Industry. PresenteD at Faculty Lunck Talk series at Wheaton College, MA.
2013 “Doing Business in Sixteenth-Century Catalonia and Valencia: The Family Enterprise of the Countess of Palamós.” Presented at The Renaissance Society of America. April 2013.
2012 “Hipólita Rois de Liori and the Textile Industry in 16th century Valencia” presented at GEMELA (Grupo de Estudios sobre la Mujer en España y las Américas). University of Portland, Oregon. September, 2012.
2012 “Female Workforce in Early Modern Spain: Alonso de Castillo y Solórzano´s Teresa de Manzanares” presented at The Renaissance Society of America. March, 2012.
2010 “Libro de las alabanzas y excelencias de la Gloriosa Santa Ana: Valentina Pinelo’s Recovery of the Figure of Saint Anne” presented at The Renaissance Society of America. April 8-10, 2010.
2009 “From Mother to Daughter: The Role of Women’s Education in the Correspondence between the Countess of Palamós and her Daughter, Estefanía de Requeséns” presented at Women’s Education in Early Modern Spain and Colonial Latin America. Organized by University of Illinois at Chicago and the Cervantes Institute of Chicago. April 3-4, 2008
2008 “Dorotea: Cervantes’ Perfect Doncella.” Presented at The Newbwerry Lybrary Center for Renaissance Studies. Annual Cervantes Symposium. April 26, 2008.
2007 “The Representation of Women’s Work in Don Quixote.” Presented at The
Renaissance Society of America. March 22-24, 2007.
2006 “Mothers and Business Women in the Sixteenth Century: Correspondence between two Catalan ladies.” Presented at AEEA-AHCT Conference. October 5-7, 2006.
2003 “Genre and Gender Excesses in María de Zayas´s La traición en la amistad.” Presented at MMLA. April, 2003.
2002 “Boquitas Pintadas: Linguistic survival in the subversive discourses of Cervantes female characters. Presented at The Newbwerry Lybrary Center for Renaissance Studies. Second Annual Cervantes Symposium. April 27, 2002.
2001 “The Feminization of the Traditional Nation in Ana Caro´s Plays and Relaciones.” Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Renaissance Society of America. March 29-31, 2001.
Teaching Interests
HISP 320: Spanish Women in the Golden Age (crosslisted with Women Studies 325)
HISP 320: The Picaresque Underworld
HISP 320: Crossing ranks: Vice and virtue in Spanish Golden Age literature
HISP 325: Queer Politics and Hispanisms
HISP 398: Love, Madness and Technology in Don Quixote
HISP 400: Islamic Spain
Program Description
Mellon Domestic-Study Abroad, Fall 2019 – Program Description (pdf)
Wheaton in Miami (pdf)
Bodies, Borders & Culture Crossings: Transnational Activism in/from Miami, Florida
Faculty-led Study Away Semester, Fall 2019
Research Interests
Medieval and Early Modern Studies in the Hispanic World.
Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies
Mediterranean Studies
Major Interests
16th and 17th Century Spanish Literature and Culture; Cervantes; Gender Studies and Women Writers; Economic, and Political Treatises.