Aaron Landau

Assistant Professor of Philosophy
English and Philosophy Department


Ph.D., Columbia University


I am an Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Wheaton College, Massachusetts. I received my PhD in Philosophy from Columbia University. Before joining Wheaton, I was a Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow at Wellesley College.

My primary areas of research are social, political, and legal philosophy, philosophy of race, epistemology, and their intersections.

My current work is on existing racial injustices and structural change and on the moral and political epistemology of our duties to respond to injustice. I also have interests in classical Chinese philosophy and how its competing traditions maintain we should deal with unjust regimes and political actors.

Teaching Interests

My primary teaching interests lie in social, political, and legal philosophy, philosophy of race , epistemology, and their intersections. In addition, I teach classes on classical Chinese philosophy and 19-20th century Continental philosophy.


PHIL 121 Faces of Injustice
PHIL 198 Capitalism and Economic Justice
PHIL 265 Philosophy of Law
PHIL 298 Racial Justice and the Color of Law
PHIL 298 Human Nature, Justice and Authenticity (classical Chinese philosophy)
PHIL 298 Capitalism and Social Pathology (19th century Continental philosophy)
PHIL 298 Reason, Bias and Social Networks
PHIL 321 Resisting Structural Injustice
PHIL 401 Nonideal Political Epistemology





Knapton 121


Tuesday and Thursday 12:45-1:45pm and Friday by appointment