Kent Shaw

Associate Professor of English
English and Philosophy Department


Ph.D. in English Literature and Creative Writing, University of Houston, May 2011
MFA in Creative Writing, Washington University, May 2003
BA in English Literature, University Missouri-St. Louis, cum laude, January 1999


Main Interests

I’m interested in teaching poetry as both literature and writing process. In my experience, these two approaches to poetry have intersected and woven together to surprising effect. I am an active reader, and I do my best to guide students to find what active reading looks like for them.

Since coming to Wheaton I have taken an active interest in exploring innovative pedagogical practices by participating in programs offered by Wheaton’s Center for Collaborative Teaching and Learning (CCTL). In particular, I have used online pedagogy and classroom interactive technologies to chronicle classroom discussions. My ambition is to build a common reference students and I can use throughout the semester. For me, knowledge is not a static history I instruct my students to memorize, it is a dynamic piecing together of information. And, like a good poem, it should present a complex and rich and personal interconnection.



Book reviews:


  • Too Numerous (University of Massachusetts Press, 2019)
  • Calenture (University of Tampa Press, 2008)