Associate Professor of Hispanic Studies
Languages and Culture Department
Ph.D, Brown University
M.A., Brown University
Licenciatura en Letras (5-year degree), UCV: Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas
Main Interests
- Colonial Latin American Literature and Culture
- Comparative approaches to Old World/New World Early Modern Literature
- Digital Humanities approach for Teaching and Learning
Digital Humanities Pedagogical Initiatives
- In collaboration with Noah Cowie ‘21 On Exactitude in Science a novel Virtual Reality tool to display and study Early Modern cartography in an interactive Virtual Reality experience.
- In collaboration with my students of HISP-298, hyper-textual edition of Libro de los Infortunios y Naufragios (Book of the Misfortunes and Shipwrecks) (Seville, 1535) by Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo.
Professional Publications
“Los infortunios de Pedro Serrano: Huellas historiográficas de un relato de naufragio”. In Renacimiento Mestizo. Los 400 años de los Comentarios Reales, edited by José Antonio Mazzoti, 31-50. Madrid/Frankfurt: Iberoamericana / Vervuert 2010.
“Historia natural y discurso idiosincrático del Nuevo Mundo: Los Problemas y secretos maravillosos de las Indias de Juan de Cardenas (1591)”. The Colorado Review of Hispanic Studies Vol. 7 (Fall 2009) 151-167.
“El buen Ricote: ‘que es dulce el amor de la patria.’ Una imagen del exiliado histórico en la segunda parte de Don Quijote.” In España: ¿Laberinto de exilios? edited by Barriales-Bouche, Sandra, 29-47. Newark, Delaware: Juan de la Cuesta Hispanic Monographs, 2005.
“Una legitimación imaginativa del Nuevo Mundo: La Historia Naturæ, Maxime Peregrinæ de Juan Eusebio Nieremberg.” In El Saber de los Jesuitas, Historias Naturales y el Nuevo Mundo, edited by Millones, Luis and Domingo Ledezma, 53-83. Frankfurt/Madrid: Veuvert / Iberoamericana, 2005.
“Los Jesuitas y el conocimiento de la naturaleza americana.” In El Saber de los Jesuitas, Historias Naturales y el Nuevo Mundo, edited by Millones, Luis and Domingo Ledezma, 9-24. Frankfurt/Madrid: Veuvert / Iberoamericana, 2005.
El Saber de los Jesuitas, Historias Naturales y el Nuevo Mundo. Co-edited with Luis Millones. Frankfurt/ Madrid: Veuvert / Iberoamericana, 2005.
Creative Works
Digital Pedagogy Presentations
“From Paper to Pixels: Google Drive, E-Books, and the Wheaton Classroom”. Research and Instruction Tech & Talk Presentations. Wheaton College, March 24, 2014.
“DIY e-Book: e-book revolution has begun, but what does this mean in practice?” Research and Instruction Tech & Talk Presentations, co-presented with Prof. Scott Shumway. Wheaton College, April 19, 2011.
“Teaching Spanish American Colonial Literature in the Digital Era”. 2008 Modern Language Association Convention. San Francisco, December 29, 2008.
“Mapping your Research”. Research and Instruction Tech & Talk Presentations. Wheaton College, September 23, 2008.
“Exploring New Worlds in Old Texts: Text Encoding Projects for the Undergraduate Study of Spanish American Colonial Literature”. The 2007 Digital Humanities Conference of the Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing, at the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign, June 7, 2007.
“Exploring New Worlds in Old Texts: Using the Text Encoding Initiative in the Undergraduate Classroom”. The Computing in the Humanities Users’ Group & the Sheridan Center for Teaching and Learning. Brown University, March 21, 2006.
Analyzing Archival Material: A Window to Another Time and Place. The 2005 New Media Consortium New England Regional Conference. Yale University, October 6, 2005
Invited Lectures
“Mapping Ethnography and Science in the Early Americas”. At the John Carter Brown Library, Seminar Sessions for the Fellows’ Reunion & Jamboree, May 1-3, 2015. Providence, RI.
“Inserting New Knowledge into the Stream of Classical Tradition: Guido Pancirollus and his Rerum Memorabilium (1599-1602)”. Presented at The Classical Atlantic Symposium. A colloquium co- sponsored by The John Carter Brown Library and the Departments of Hispanic Studies and Classics at Brown University, April 26th, 2013.
“Cultural Interactions and Transcending Knowledge: Nieremberg’s interpretation of New World Natural History”. Presented at the Early Modern Knowledge and Cross Cultural Encounter symposium. A colloquium co-sponsored by The John Carter Brown Library and the Departments of History and History of Art and Architecture, Brown University, May 4th, 2012.
“Interpreting New World Nature: Niermberg’s Historia Naturæ as a palimpsest of fantastic literature”. ISEA 2010 RUHR Conference / Latin American Forum: Variantologia Latina. Dortmund, Germany, August 26, 2010.
“Rescuing Spanish Shipwreck Narratives: The Adventures and Misfortunes of Pedro Gobeo de Victoria (Seville 1560-1630)”. John Carter Brown Library Fellows Lecture. Providence, RI, May 10, 2006.
“El Paraíso en el Nuevo Mundo de Antonio León Pinelo: Tratado barroco e Historia Natural y Peregrina de las Américas”. University of Western Ontario, Canada, March 29, 2005.
“En torno al saber de los jesuitas: Historias Naturales y el Nuevo Mundo”. Journée d’Étude: Transfert de savoirs dans le monde colonial. Université de Montréal, Canada, April 18, 2005.
“El Paraíso en el Nuevo Mundo: de las Fantasías colombinas a la erudición barroca de Antonio León Pinelo”. Programa de Estudios Hispánicos en Córdoba (PRESCHO), Universidad de Córdoba, Spain, March 16, 2003.
Conferences Papers
“La Logica Mexicana de Antonio Rubio S.J. y el empirismo jesuita en la enseñanza de la filosofía natural”. Presented at the Latin American Studies Association Annual Meeting. San Juan, Puerto Rico, May 27, 2015.
“Opposing the slave raiders: Bandeirantes, Politics and Literature in Antonio Ruiz de Montoya S.J. 1639 embassy to Madrid”. Presented at the Sixteenth Century Society and Conference. San Juan, Puerto Rico, Octubre 25, 2013.
“A Female Example of Virtue in a Male World: The Life of Saint Theoctiste of Lesbos in Pedro Gobeo’s Peregrinación y Naufragio (1610)”. 2010 Renaissance Society of America Conference. Venice, Italy, April 09, 2010.
“Reevaluating and assessing the American sources of Nieremberg’s Historia Naturae (1635)”. The 2009 History of Science Society Annual Meeting. Phoenix, AZ. November 21, 2009.
“Los infortunios de Pedro Serrano: antecedentes historiográficos de un relato de naufragios”. International Conference Mestizo Renaissance: 400 Years of the Royal Commentaries. Tufts University, Boston, April 9, 2009
“El corpus hispano y el portugués: Narrativa de naufragios e infortunios marítimos en las Indias Orientales y Occidentales”. X Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Ciencia y Tecnología. Badajoz (Spain), Septiembre 11, 2008.
“Experiencing futility: Pedro Gobeo’s Shipwreck and Peregrination in the coast of Peru”. 2008 Renaissance Society of America Conference. Chicago, April 04, 2008.
“Los frutos de la vejez: Una lectura de Huerto desecho, de Lope de Vega”. The Eigth Biannual Conference of the Society for Renaissance and Baroque Hispanic Poetry. Universidad de Córdoba, Spain. October 17-20, 2007.
“Unauthorized Passengers: Women in the Spanish Fleets”. The 2007 Renaissance Society of America Conference. Miami, March 22, 2007.
“De lo acaecido en las mares que hay desde España a estas Indias”: La narrativa de naufragios en Fernández de Oviedo”. El Proyecto Trasatlántico de Brown University: III Congreso Internacional. Providence, RI, April 12-15, 2006.
“Que se os quite el deseo de navegar: El género de relatos de naufragios e infortunios en el Atlántico hispano”. III International Conference on the Transatlantic Baroque: It is Baroque. The University of Western Ontario, Canada, March 30-31, 2006.
“Infortunios y naufragios en el caribe hispánico: el relato de Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo”, Latin American Studies Association Annual Meeting. San Juan, Puerto Rico, March 15, 2006
“The ‘national’ distinctiveness of the Jesuits ‘provincias’ of Spanish America: The case of Antonio Ruiz de Montoya (1585-1652) and his Conquista Espiritual”. Second Ibero-Anglo Summit: Beyond Colonial Studie. An Inter-American Encounter. The Society of Early Americanists & The John Carter Brown Library. Providence, RI, November 4-6 2004.
“La antigua disputa de platónicos y aristotélicos en Primero sueño de Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz”. Sixth Biennial Conference of the Society for Renaissance and Baroque Hispanic Poetry. Boston University, October 2003.
“Los esbozos de una identidad criolla en los Problemas y Secretos Maravillosos de las Indias, de Juan de Cárdenas”. Latin American Studies Association Annual Meeting. Dallas, Texas, March 2003.
“Dos Ejemplos Contrastantes de la Historia Natural Jesuita: Los Problemas y Secretos Maravillosos de las Indias, de Juan de Cárdenas, y la Historia Natural y Moral de las Indias, de José de Acosta”. Congreso Internacional de Español, Universidad de Puerto Rico Arecibo, November 2002.
“El buen Ricote: Una imagen del exiliado histórico en la segunda parte de El Quijote”. Coloquio Internacional España: Laberinto de Exilios. University of Massachusetts-Amherst. Octubre 2002.
Teaching Interests
- Spanish Language and Culture (all levels)
- Spanish for Heritage Speakers I & II (HISP-212 / HISP-238)
- The Literary Identities of Latin America (HISP-318)
- A Mythical Foundation of Latin America (HISP-352)
- New World Voyages and Explorations of Nature (HISP-355)
- Digital Humanities Methods and Tools (HISP-358)
- Senior Seminar 2018. The Discourse of Mexicannes: Octavio Paz, Rosario Castellanos, Juan Rulfo
- Senior Seminar 2013. From Tenochtitlán to Colonial Mexico City: Books, Maps & Engravings
- Senior Seminar 2009. Jorge Luis Borges and the Literary Traditions
- Senior Seminar 2006. Early Modern Spanish American Literature of Misfortunes & Shipwrecks
- First Year Seminar. Exploring New Worlds in Old Books: Sir Francis Drake: British Hero or Devilish Pirate of the Spanish Main?
Research Interests
- New World Historiography
- Book History
- Neo-Latin texts related to the New World
- Jesuit missions in the Americas