Senior Professor of the Practice of Russian
Languages and Culture Department
PhD in Comparative Literature, University of Oregon, 2007
Certificate in Russian and East European Studies, University of Oregon, 2007
MA in Slavic Languages and Literature, University of Virginia, 2001
BA in Russian Language and Literature, Boston University, 1998
Main Interests
Comparative Literature, Russian Language and Literature, Translation and Imitation, Evolutionary and Cognitive Approaches to Literature.
- Russian Literature and Cognitive Science. Ed. Tom Dolack. Lexington Press, 2024.
- “Introduction”
- “A Multilevel Cognitive Approach to Pushkin”
- “Russian Imitations of Petrarch and Modern Imitatio.” Petrarch and his Legacies. Eds. Jelena Todorovich and Ernesto Livorni. ACMRS, 2021.
- “Common Origins of Consciousness and Symbolic Thought.” ASEBL Journal 15:1 (2021). 12-15.
- “Dostoevsky, Confession, and the Evolutionary Origins of Conscience.” Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture. 4:2 (Fall 2020). 19-32.
- “Mist in a Comparative Literature Classroom: Unamuno, Dostoevsky and Dialogue.” Approaches to Teaching the Works of Miguel de Unamuno. Ed. Luis Alvarez-Castro. MLA, 2020. 171-176.
- “Counterintuitive Imagery as a Narrative Universal.” Literary Universals Project. University of Connecticut, 2019.“
- “A Quantitative Approach to Counterintuitive Imagery in the Hebrew Bible and the Harry Potter Novels.” Evolution and Popular Narrative. Eds. Dirk Vanderbeke and Brett Cooke. Brill, 2019. 264-291.
- “Creativity, Imitation and the Emergence of Russian Literature.” Reasoning Beasts: Evolution, Cognition, and Culture, 1720-1820. Ed. Kathryn Duncan and Michael Austin. AMS Press, 2017. 61-76.
- “Lyric Ventriloquism and the Dialogic Translations of Pasternak, Mandelstam and Celan.” Hearing Over: Essays on Dialogism and Poetry, eds. Mara Scanlon and Chad Engbers. Palgrave Macmillan, 2014.
- “Russian Petrarchism.” Approaches to Teaching Petrarch’s Canzoniere and the Petrarchan Tradition. Eds. Christopher Kleinhenz and Andrea Dini. New York: MLA, 2014.
- “Consciousness, Ethics and Dostoevsky’s Underground Man.” ASEBL Journal 10:1 (2014).
- “Imitation, Emulation, Influence and Pound’s Poetic Renewal.” Interdisciplinary Literary Study. Spring 2013.
- “Homo Oneginensis: Pushkin and Evo-Cognitive Approaches to Literature.” Style 46 (2012).
- “‘A Dream of Light in the Eternal Darkness’: Karolina Pavlova’s Translations from the German.” Translating Women: Gender and Translation in the 21st Century. Ed. Luise von Flotow. University of Ottawa Press, February 2011. 37-56.
- “Imitation and Literary Evolution.” Politics and Culture. Special issue: Bioculture: Evolutionary Cultural Studies, ed. Joseph Carroll.
- “Mandelstam’s Petrarch Translations and his Humanist Archaeology.” Umanesimo, postumanesimo e neo-umanesimo. Annali d’Italianistica, XXV, 2008. Ed. Massimo Lollini. 187-201.
- “Ventriloquio autobiografico: Mandelštam traduttore di Petrarca [Autobiographical Ventriloquism: Mandelstam, Translator of Petrarch.]” L’Autobiografia nell’epoca dell’impersonale. Intersezioni: Rivista di storia delle idée. Anno XXVII, numero 3, dicembre 2007. Ed. Massimo Lollini. 475-486.
Selected Publications, Creative Work, or Performances