Charlotte Meehan

Professor of English
English and Philosophy Department


Phone: 508-286-5488



M.F.A., Playwriting, Brown University
M.F.A., Creative Writing, Brooklyn College
B.A., French and Comparative Literature, SUNY, Binghamton

Creative Works

For a list of my stage works and how I make them, please visit:

For information on Sleeping Weazel, my Boston-based multimedia theatre company, please visit:

Student Projects

Advanced Playwriting students participate each spring in the New Plays Festival, which showcases their plays via the Theatre Department’s student directors and actors.

All playwriting students write plays for the bi-annual five-minute play festivals that take place as staged readings via collaboration with the Theatre Department.

Teaching Interests

Beginning and Advanced Playwriting
Writing for Performance (200-level)
Modern Drama: an inquiry (200-level)
Contemporary Drama: the tip of the iceberg (200-level)
Contemporary Drama and Its Influences (senior seminar)
English 101 (Writing, Dreaming, and Knowing)