A. Javier Trevino

Professor of Sociology
Society and Politics Department


Phone: 508-286-3656

Fax: 508-286-3640


Ph.D., Boston College
M.A., Northern Arizona University
B.A., University of North Texas


Main Interests

Social Theory; Sociology of Law; Deviance and Social Control; Criminology.



Investigating Social Problems, Fourth Edition. Newbury Park, CA: Sage (2024).

Leon Petrazycki: Law, Emotions, Society (edited with Edorado Fittipaldi). New York: Routledge (2022).

The Routledge International Handbook of Talcott Parsons Studies (edited with Helmut Staubmann). London: Routledge (2021).

The Emerald Guide to C. Wright MillsLondon: Emerald Publishing (2021).

Investigating Social Problems, Third edition. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications (2021).

Researching Social Problems (with Amir Marvasti). London: Routledge (2019).

Clinard and Quinney’s Criminal Behavior Systems. New York: Routledge (2019).

The Cambridge Handbook of Social Problems, 2 vols. New York: Cambridge University Press (2018).

Investigating Social Problems, Second edition. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications (2018).

C. Wright Mills and the Cuban Revolution: An Exercise in the Art of Sociological ImaginationThe University of North Carolina Press (2017).

The Development of Sociological Theory: Readings from the Enlightenment to the Present. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc. (2017).

Anthem Companion to Talcott Parsons (editor).London: Anthem Press (2016).

Investigating Social Problems. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc. (2014).

book_service-sociology-and-academic-engagement Service Sociology and Academic Engagement in Social Problems (edited with Karen M. McCormack). Surrey, UK: Ashgate Publishing (2014).

The Social Thought of C. Wright Mills. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications (2011).

Classic Writings in Law and Society. Second edition, Revised and Expanded. (editor). New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers (2010).

Talcott Parsons on Law and the Legal System (editor). Newcastle, England: Cambridge Scholars Publishing (2008).

Classic Writings in Law and Society: Contemporary Comments and Criticisms (editor). New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers (2007).

George C. Homans: History, Theory, and Method (editor). Foreword by Charles Tilly. Boulder, Col: Paradigm Publishers (2006).

Understanding Crime: A Multidisciplinary Approach (with Susan Guarino-Ghezzi). Foreword by Albert K. Cohen. Cincinnati, Ohio: Anderson Publishing/Lexis Nexis (2005).

Goffman’s Legacy (editor). Foreword by Charles Lemert. Lanham, Md: Rowman & Littlefield (2003).

Talcott Parsons Today: His Theory and Legacy in Contemporary Sociology (editor). Foreword by Neil J. Smelser. Lanham, Md: Rowman & Littlefield (2001).

The Sociology of Law: Classical and Contemporary Perspectives. New York: St. Martin’s Press (1996). Reissued with a New Introduction. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers (2008).

The Sociology of Law: A Bibliography of Theoretical Literature. Lewiston, NY: The Edwin Mellen Press, Fourth edition (2008).

Articles and Book Chapters

“Talcott Parsons as Psychoanalytically Oriented Social Psychologist,” in Psychoanalysis and History Vol. 26, No. 2, Pp. 209-228 (2024).

“C. Wright Mills.” Pp, 636-637 in Encyclopedia of Critical Political Science, edited by Clyde W. Barrow. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar (2024).

“Talcott Parsons on Building Personality System Theory via Psychoanalysis,” in Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences Vol. 59, No. 4, Pp. 417-432 (2023).

“Jeremy Bentham,” (with Melanie Romero) in Oxford Bibliographies in Criminology, edited by Beth M. Huebner. New York: Oxford University Press (2022).

“C. Wright Mills on the Character and Role of the Soviet Intelligentsia,” Pp. 127-140 in The Routledge International Handbook of C. Wright Mills Studies, edited by Jon Frauley. New York: Routledge (2021).

“Toward a Codification of Parsons’s Theory of Psychopathology,” in The Routledge International Handbook of Talcott Parsons Studies edited by A. Javier Treviño and Helmut Staubmann. London: Routledge (2021).

“Pounding on Parsons: How Criticism Undermined the Reputation of Sociology’s Incurable Theorist,” Pp. 179-204 in The Cambridge Handbook of Social Theory edited by Peter Kivisto. New York: Cambridge University Press (2020).

“William G. Sumner e Theodor J. Geiger: verso una teoria sullo sviluppo dei fenomeni giuridici,” Pp. 51-83 in L’eredità di Theodor Geiger per le scienze giuridiche, edited by A. Febbrajo, E. Fittipaldi, et al. Milan, Italy: Giuffrè Francis Lefebre (2020).

“Durkheim, Emile,” in Encyclopedia of the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy, edited by Mortimer N.S. Sellers and Stephan Kirste. Dordrecht: The Netherlands: Springer, Dordrecht (2019).

“Introduction to Kathryn Mills: C. Wright Mills through His Letters—His Time in Innsbruck and the Making of The Sociological Imagination” (with Helmut Staubmann) in Austrian Journal of Political Science Vol., 47 No. 4, Pp. 59-60 (2019).

“Law as Social Control,” Pp. 36-49 in The Handbook of Social Control edited by Mathieu Deflem. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell (2019)

“Service Sociology and Social Problems,” Pp. 133-46 in The Cambridge Handbook of Social Problems edited by A. Javier Treviño. New York: Cambridge University Press (2018).

“Mills, C. Wright” and “Homans, George C.,” in The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social Theory edited by Bryan S. Turner et al. Malden, MA: John Wiley and Sons (2017).

“Mills, C.W. (1916-62) on Ethnicity and Puerto Ricans,” Pp. 1-2 in The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Race, Ethnicity, and Nationalism, edited by John Stone et al. New York: John Wiley and Sons.

“Parsons, Psychoanalysis, and the Therapeutic Relationship,” Pp. 73-90 in The Anthem Companion to Talcott Parsons edited by A. Javier Treviño. London: Anthem Press (2016).

“Mills, C(harles) Wright (1916-62),” Pp. 533-38 in International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2nd edition, Vol. 15, editor-in-chief James D. Wright. Oxford: Elsevier (2015).

“William Graham Sumner’s Proto-Sociology of Law,” Pp. 13-34 in On Folkways and Mores: William Graham Sumner Then and Now, edited by Philip D. Manning. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers (2015)

“C. Wright Mills as Designer: Personal Practice and Two Public Talks,” The American Sociologist Vol. 45, No. 4, Pp. 335-60 (2014).

“The Continuing Relevance of the Classics for Contemporary Sociology of Law: The American Context,” in Jurisprudence: Journal of Higher Education Establishments Vol. 5 No. 310, Pp 26-47. Saint Petersburg State University Faculty of Law. Saint Petersburg, Russia (2013).

“C. Wright Mills as Designer, Craftsman, and Stylist,” Pp. 213-15 in C. Wright Mills and the Sociological Imagination: Contemporary Perspectives, edited by John Scott and Ann Nilsen. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar (2013)

“Sociological Jurisprudence,” Pp. 35-51 in Law and Social Theory, edited by Reza Banakar and Max Travers. Oxford, UK: Hart Publishing (2013).

“On the Facilitating Actions of Service Sociology” Journal of Applied Social Science Vol. 7, No. 1, Pp. 95-109 (2013).

“The Challenge of Service Sociology” Social Problems Vol. 59, No. 1, Pp. 2-20 (2012).

“Teaching and Learning Service Sociology,” in Teaching/Learning Matters (Newsletter for the American Sociological Association’s section on Teaching and Learning in Sociology) Vol. 40, No. 1, Pp. 4-6 (Summer 2011).

“Introduction,” Pp. ix-xxviii in Law and Morality, by Leon Petrazycki. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers (2011).

“The Symbol and Substance of C. Wright Mills,” in Sociology Vol. 44, No. 3, Pp. 577-83 (2010).

“Trust and Civil Dialogue in Democratic Society,” Pp. 64-71 in Challenges of Democracy, edited by Elena Crestianicov. Chisinau, Republic of Moldova: Moldova State University Press (2010).

“Introduction,” Pp. ix-xxvi in The Institutions of Private Law and their Social Functions, by Karl Renner. New Bruswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers (2010).

“The Place of Law in Talcott Parsons’s American Societal Community,” Pp. 167-94 in Talcott Parsons: A Collection of Essays in Honour of Talcott Parsons, edited by Christopher Hart. Cheshire, UK: Midrash Publications (2009).

“George C. Homans, the Human Group, and Elementary Social Behaviour,” in The Encyclopaedia of Informal Education, (2009).

“What’s So Critical About Critical Race Theory? (with Michelle A. Harris and Derron Wallace) in Contemporary Justice Review Vol. 11, No. 1, Pp. 7-10 (2008).

“Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.,” “C. Wright Mills,” “Talcott Parsons,” “Roscoe Pound,” “Nicholas S. Timasheff,” in Encyclopedia of Law and Society: American and Global Perspectives edited by David S. Clark. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications (2007).

“Introduction: The Sentiments and Activities of George C. Homans,” Pp. 1-42 in George C. Homans: History, Theory, and Method edited by A. Javier Trevino. Boulder, Col.: Paradigm Publishers (2006).

“Functional imperatives/prerequisites (AGIL),” Pp. 293-295 in International Encyclopedia of Economic Sociology edited by Jens Beckert and Milan Zafirovski. London: Routledge (2006).

“Introduction,” Pp. xxi-xxxiii in General Theory of Law and State by Hans Kelsen New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers (2005).

“Parsons’s Action-System Requisite Model and Weber’s Elective Affinity: A Convergence of Convenience,” in Journal of Classical Sociology Vol. 5, No. 3, Pp. 319-348, (2005).

“Sociological Perspectives on Crime” Pp. 23-54 in Understanding Crime: A Multidisciplinary Approach. Cincinnati, Ohio: LexisNexis/Anderson Publishing, (2005).

“Introduction: A Multidisciplined Approach to Crime” (with Susan-Guarino-Ghezzi), Pp. 1-21 in Understanding Crime: A Multidisciplinary Approach. Cincinnati, Ohio: LexisNexis/Anderson Publishing, (2005).

“Cesare Beccaria,” Pp. 97-98; “Jeremy Bentham,” Pp. 100-102; “Prohibition,” 1315-1318 in Encyclopedia of Criminology edited by Richard A. Wright and J. Mitchell Miller. New York: Routledge, (2005).

“The Influence of C. Wright Mills on Students for a Democratic Society,” Pp. 95-115; “The Hispanic Writings of C. Wright Mills,” Pp. 185-218 in C. Wright Mills: Three Volumes edited by Stanley Aronowitz. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications (2004).

“Remembering George Washington on the Rio Grande,” Pp. 35-47 in Storytelling Sociology: Narrative as Social Inquiry edited by Ronald J. Berger and Richard Quinney. Boulder, Col.: Lynne Rienner Publishers (2005).

“Introduction: Erving Goffman and the Interaction Order” Pp. 1-49 in Goffman’s Legacy edited by A. Javier Trevino. Lanham, Md: Rowman & Littlefield (2003).

“Sociological Theory at the Crossroads” in Contemporary Sociology Vol. 32, No. 3, Pp. 282-288, (2003).

“Introduction” Pp. ix-xxxix in An Introduction to the Sociology of Law by Nicholas S. Timasheff. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers (2001).

“The Sociology of Law in Global Perspective” in The American Sociologist Vol. 32. No. 2, Pp. 5-9, (2001).

“Introduction: The Theory and Legacy of Talcott Parsons,” Pp. xv-lviii in Talcott Parsons Today: His Theory and Legacy in Contemporary Sociology edited by A. Javier Trevino. Lanham, Md: Rowman & Littlefield (2001).

“Introduction,” Pp. ix-xxi, in The Social Reality of Crime by Richard Quinney. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers (2001).

“Truth and Environmental Justice in the Woburn Toxic Waste Case,” in Contemporary Justice Review Vol. 3, Issue 3, Pp. 335-343 (2000).

“On Durkheim’s Religion and Simmel’s Religiosity,” reprinted in The Living Legacy of Marx, Durkheim & Weber: Applications and Analyses of Classical Sociological Theory by Modern Social Scientists Vol. II, Pp. 471-485. Edited by Richard Altschuler. New York: Gordian Knot Books (2000).

“Sharing Democracy’s Community,” in Society Vol. 37, No. 5, Pp. 78-84 (2000).

“Criminal Justice Contra Racial Justice,” in Contemporary Justice Review Vol. 2, Issue 3, Pp. 327-347 (1999).

“Baseball, Nationalism, and the Two Laredos,” in Qualitative Sociology Vol. 22, No. 3, Pp. 269-274 (1999).

“Images of Justice in Nineteenth Century Anglo-American Literature: An Archetypal Analysis of Two Great Books,” in Contemporary Justice Review Vol. 1, Nos. 2-3, Pp. 277-295 (1998).

“The Influence of C. Wright Mills on Students for a Democratic Society: An Interview with Bob Ross,” (with Robert J.S. Ross) in Humanity and Society Vol. 22, No. 3, Pp. 260-277 (1998).

“Toward a General Theoretical-Methodological Framework for the Sociology of Law: Another Look at the Eastern European Pioneers,” in Sociology of Crime, Law, and Deviance Vol. 1., Pp. 155-202. Jeffery T. Ulmer (ed.). Greenwich, Connecticut: JAI Press. (1998)

“Nine Law and Society / Sociology of Law Textbooks and Readers for the 1990s: A Comparative Review,” in Teaching Sociology Vol. 26, No. 4, Pp. 354-380, (1998).

“On Durkheim’s Religion and Simmel’s Religiosity,” in Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion Vol. 37, No. 1, Pp. 191-196 (1998).

“Teaching College Students in Postmodern Society, or Whatever” in SSSP Newsletter Vol. 29, No.1, Pp. 30-33 (1998).

“The Hispanic Writings of C. Wright Mills: A Study in Social Psychology,” in The American Sociologist Vol. 28, No. 3, Pp. 29-56 (1997).

“Mills, Mass Society, and Media Markets,” in Sociological Imagination Vol. 34, Nos. 2-3, Pp. 155-180 (1997).

“Introduction,” Pp. vii – xlix, in Social Control Through Law by Roscoe Pound. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers (1997).

“What Happened to the New Sociology?,” in Sociological Imagination Vol. 33, Nos. 3-4, Pp. 177-190 (1996).

“The Place of a General Theory of Law in Social Problems Inquiry: A Marxist-Oriented Approach,” in Perspectives on Social Problems Vol. 8, Pp. 199-248. James A. Holstein and Gale Miller (eds.). Greenwich, Connecticut: JAI Press (1996).

“The Politics of Culture: A Reply to Murray Wax,” in Sociological Imagination Vol. 32, No. 2, Pp. 126-132 (1995).

“The Influence of Sociology on American Jurisprudence: From Oliver Wendell Holmes to Critical Legal Studies,” in Mid-American Review of Sociology Vol. 18, Nos. 1, Pp. 23-46 (1994).

“Interviewing Women: Researcher Sensitivity and the Male Interviewer,” in Humanity and Society Vol. 16, No. 4, Pp. 504-523 (1992).

“Alcoholics Anonymous as Durkheimian Religion,” in Research in the Social Scientific Study of Religion Vol. 4, Pp. 183-208. Monty L. Lynn and David O.Moberg (eds.). Greenwich, Connecticut: JAI Press. (1992).

“Richard Quinney: A Wisconsin Sociologist,” in Wisconsin Sociologist Vol. 26, No. 4, Pp. 126-134 (1989).

Teaching Interests

I teach courses in Sociological Theory, Sociology of Law, Criminology, Deviance and Social Control, Latino Communities.

Research Interests

I’m currently writing a book on Talcott Parsons and psychoanalysis.





Knapton 303


Spring 2025:
MWF 8:30-9:20 a.m. and by Zoom with appointment.