History Club
The History Club provides students who have a common interest in history the chance to meet and engage one another with new ideas.
The History Club executive board for Fall 2018 has been finalized:
- President: Katie Greene ’19
- Vice President: Marisa Hexter ’19
- Treasurer: Tyler Setterlund ’20
- Secretary: Catherine Sheedy ’20
Recently, the Club hosted a Pilgrim interpreter from Plimoth Plantation to discuss life on Plimoth Plantation in 1624. This was an informative and enjoyable event and we hope to bring our interpreter back next year!
The Club has a number of activities planned for Fall 2017, including field trips, evening events, and a special speaker. Check this page often as we update it regularly!
History Club meetings are held Thursdays at 6 pm in Knapton 114. Please stop by and join this active and engaged student club.
Students and Pilgrim! On 13 April the Club sponsored a Pilgrim interpreter from Plymouth Plantation. We loved it!