Opportunities for Students
Learning takes place both in and out of the classroom. We are committed to fostering a sense of intellectual community among students and faculty.
One of the strengths of the history department is our innovative courses. Students enjoy a wide variety of learning experiences in the classroom, such as:
- In Hist 206 – Modern America – students analyze American society using commercials, print advertisements, MTV videos and oral histories.
- In Hist 215 – History of Russia – students visit the Museum of Russian Icons in Clinton, MA, to experience the art and history of Russian Orthodox Christianity.
- In Hist 217 – Mundo Brasileiro – students learn about Brazilian history and culture through popular music.
- In Hist 233 – U.S. Women, 1790-1890 – students visit the Wheaton College Archives to read original diaries and letters written by nineteenth-century women.
- In Hist 337 – Power and Protest in the United States – students create a model activist organization to explore the dynamics of power, protest, and reaction in U.S. society.
- In Hist 253 – Popular Religion and Devotion in the Middle Ages – students travel to The Cloisters Museum and Gardens in Fort Tryon Park, New York, to experience the art and architecture of medieval monasteries.
View a full list of history courses on the course catalog.
There are two courses open only to history majors:
Hist 302 – Junior Colloquium
Hist 401 – Senior Seminar
These courses foster a sense of community in the department, while introducing students to the discipline of history.
We foster a sense of community outside the classroom through a variety of events.
The Nancy P. Norton Prize in History and American Studies
Each year the graduating senior with the highest GPA is honored with the Nancy Norton Prize.
The Helmreich Symposium
Guest historians present their current research, teaching or other aspects of their lives as professional historians.
Learn more about the Helmreich Symposium
Senior History Majors’ Dinner
The department welcomes the senior majors back to campus and invites them to assume the role of mentor and model for the younger majors.
Career Night
Members of the department and alumni guests share how to translate a history degree to the job world and how to apply for graduate school.
History Majors’ Spring Party
The department hosts a gathering of the community to welcome new majors and celebrate graduating seniors.
The History Club
This student-run club sponsors movie nights, special guests and other fun activities for history majors and those interested in history.