Student Publications
- Lord, H ’22 (2022). “Editing DEM Files to Represent Overhanging Structures and Arches”. Poster presented at the Twenty-Sixth Annual Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges Northeast Conference, April 2022.
- Foley, M.’22, A Gerashchenko ’21, R Tovar ’22, and Z Tong (2022). Text Summarization Tool Evaluation: A Study on Automatic Summarizing News Articles, Research poster presentation at the Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges Northeastern Region (CCSCNE 2022), April 2022.
- Lichauco, N.’21, Z Fei ’21, R Tovar ’22, K Ekstrand ’21, and Z Tong (2022). Are COVID-19 and H1N1-09 Pandemics covered differently?, Research poster presentation at the Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges Northeastern Region (CCSCNE 2022), April 2022.
- Trevino, M. ’21 (2021). Hyperpass – A Unified Password Manager. Poster presented at the 25th annual conference of the Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges Northeast Region, April 2021.
- Bingham, B. ’21, Braddick, C. ’21, Reed, J. ’21 and Stratton, J. ’21 (2021). aChord – Generating Chord Voicings for User-Defined String Instruments. Poster presented at the 25th annual conference of the Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges Northeast Region, April 2021. Winner: 3rd prize at poster session.
- Feng, W. ’19 and LeBlanc, M.D. (2019). Top-10 Suggestions from a Decade of Managing Undergraduate Software Teams. The Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges, v34(6), 70-83.
- Zhang, C. ’18, Feng, W. ’19, Steffens, E. ’18, de Landaluce, A. ’17, Kleinman, S. and LeBlanc, M.D. (2018). Lexos 2017: Building Reliable Software in Python. The Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges, v33(6), 124-134.
- LeBlanc, M., Littler, E. ’19, and Loberti, J. ’19 (2018). 3D Modeling to Virtual Viewing: Providing Access to Wheaton’s African Collection. Poster presented at the Twenty-Third Annual Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges Northeast Conference, April 2018.
- A minute with … Zevi Rubin ’16, Wheaton Quarterly, Summer 2015.
- Ulinski, G. ’16 and Rubin, Z. ’16 (2016). Information Visualization: Top Ten Rankings over Time. Poster presented at the Twentieth Annual Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges Northeast Conference, April 2016.

Drone Camp was a four hour conference-style event that addressed and challenged practical, theoretical, and ethical issues surrounding unmanned aerial rotocraft (aka drones). The centerpiece of the event was a panel discussion featuring Wheaton faculty Matt Gingo, Josh Stenger, Mike Sawyer, and Wheaton student Zevi Rubin ‘16. Each panelist delivered a ten-minute lightning talk that examined drones from the perspective of their discipline. Faculty member and moderator Patrick Johnson facilitated a broader discussion and Q&A from the audience. After the panel discussion, audience members had an opportunity to learn how to fly quad-copter drones through a series of flying challenges and compete in a drone obstacle course for prizes. The event was the first in a series sponsored by the IMAGINE Project.
- Gousie, M.B., Grady, J., and Branagan, M. ’14 (2014). Visualizing Trends and Clusters in Ranked Time-Series Data. In Visualization and Data Analysis 2014 (San Francisco, 2014), P. C. Wong, D.L. Kao, M.C. Hao, and C. Chen, Eds., vol. 9017, IS&T/SPIE, pp. 90710f-1 — 90710f-12.
- Boyd, P., Drout, M.D.C., Hitotsubashi, N., Kahn, M., LeBlanc, M.D. and Smith, L. (2014). “Lexomic Analysis of Anglo-Saxon Prose: Establishing Controls with the Old English Penitential and the Old English translation of Orosius.” Revista de la Sociedad Española de Lengua y Literatura Inglesa Medieval (SELIM) 19, 7-58.
- Delfino, D. ’14, Jensen, B. ’15, Li, M. ’14, Morneau, J. ’16, and Neal, R. ’14 (2014). Lexos: A Text Mining Workflow. Poster presentation at and abstract published in the Northeast region of the Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges (CCSCNE 2014), Providence College, Providence, RI, April 25, 2014. This work won 3rd place (out of 51) for best student research.
- Grady, J., Gousie, M., and Branagan, M. ’14 (2013). Visualizing the Hollywood Pantheon, presented at the International Visual Sociology Association (IVSA) Annual Conference, University of London, July, 2013.
- LeBlanc, M.D., Drout, M.D.C., Kahn, M., Herbert, A. ’14, Neal, R. ’14 (2013). Lexomics: Integrating the research and teaching spaces.. Short paper published in proceedings of and presented at Digital Humanities 2013, University of Nebraska–Lincoln, 16-19 July 2013.
- LeBlanc, M.D., Dyer, B.D., DeMolles, C.’13, and Li, M.’14 (2013). The Natural Variability of Inverted Repeats in Bacterial and Archaeal Genomes. Abstract published in Proceedings and presented at BIT’s 4th World Genome Day, Nanjing, China, April 26, 2013.
- Bass, D. (2012). Cluster Validation Using the Non-parametric Bootstrap and Parallel Processing: Applications in Unsupervised Machine Learning of Shimodaira’s Method to Text Mining and Genomics. Undergraduate Honors Thesis.
- Faulconer, N. (2012). Design and Comparison of Parallel Ray-Tracing Algorithms. Undergraduate Honors Thesis.
- LeBlanc, M.D., Baldwin, E. ‘13, Hichens, K. ‘13, Kahn, M., and Dyer, B.D. (2012). Classifying Stages of Retention and Loss of DNA Acquired by Horizontal Transfer between Bacteria and Archaea. Abstract published in the Proceedings of World DNA Day, Xi’an, China, April 2012.
- Drout, M.D.C., Kahn, M., LeBlanc, M.D., Nelson, C. ’11 (2011). Of Dendrogrammatology: Lexomic Methods for Analyzing the Relationships Among Old English Poems, Journal of English and Germanic Philology, v110(3), July 2011, 301-336.
- Armstrong, T. and Antetomaso, S. ’12 (2011). Unsupervised Discovery of Phoneme Boundaries in Multi-Speaker Continuous Speech. Proceedings of the Joint IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning and on Epigenetic Robotics.
- Jones, A. (2011). diviText: Visualizing Text Segmentation for Text Mining. Undergraduate Honors Thesis.
- Drewniak, E. (2010). Unsupervised Discovery of Motifs Under Uniform Amplitude Scaling and Shifting in Time Series Databases. SIGCSE 2010.
- Drout, M.D.C., Kahn, M., LeBlanc, M.D., Jones, A. ‘11, Kathok, N. ‘10, and Nelson, C. ’11. (2010). Lexomics for Anglo-Saxon Literature. Old English Newsletter, 2010.
- Gousie, M.B., Grady, J., Burrage, B. ’07, Grossman, R. ’07, Machado, D. ’07, Milewski, S. ’07, and Stuetzle, C. ’07 (2008). Using Metaphors in Dynamic Social Stratification Visualizations. In IV08: 12th International Conference on Information Visualization (London, 2008), IEEE.
- Gousie, M. B. and Milewski, Sarah ’07 (2007). System for 3D Error Visualization and Assessment of Digital Elevation Models. In Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS ’07) (Barcelona, 2007).
- Bowe, Steve ’05 (2005). Error Detection and Visualization of Digital Elevation Models. Abstract appears in the Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges, v19(4).
- Benz, Steve ’05, Grossman, Robby ’07, Dyer, B.D., and LeBlanc, M.D. (2004). Genomics Research and the Liberal Arts: Building a Database for Exploring Your Favorite Set of Genes (favGene v2.0). Transformations-Liberal Arts in the Digital Age, v2(1), May 2004.
- Dyer, B.D., LeBlanc, M.D., Benz, Steve ’05, Cahalan, Pete ’04, Donorfio, Brian ’03, Sagui, Pat ’03, Villa, Adam ’03, and Williams, Greg ’03 (2004). A DNA motif lexicon: cataloguing and annotating sequences. In Silico Biology, v4, 471-478.
- Benz, Steve ’05 and Cool, Jonah ’04 (2003). Using Regular Expressions to Locate Putative Zinc Finger Binding Sites. Abstract appears in the Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges, v18(4).
- Gousie, M.B., Williams, Greg ’03, Agnitti, Trevor ’02, and Doolittle, Nick Œ02 (2003). CompSurf: An Environment for Exploring Surface Reconstruction Methods on a Grid. Computers and Geosciences, v29(9), 1165-1173.
- Villa, Adam ’03 (2003). Giving DNA a Trie. Abstract appears in the Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges, v18(4).
- Christoforou, Andrea ’02 (2001). Counting Problems in Genomics. Abstract appears in the Journal of Computing in Small Colleges, v16(4):343.
- Kimball, Melissa ’01 (2001). A Motif Lexicon for the Genomic Analysis of DNA. Abstract appears in the Journal of Computing in Small Colleges, v16(4):344.
- LeBlanc, M.D., Buggia, Nathan ’01, Aspeslagh, Glen ’00, Dyer, B.D. (2000). An annotated catalogue of inverted repeats of Caenorhabditis elegans Chromosome III and X with observations concerning odd/even biases and conserved motifs. Genome Research, v10(9), Sept. 2000, 1381-1392.
- Dudek, Dave ’99 and Drout, M. (1999). King Alfred – A teacher-controlled web-interfaced learning assistant. Abstract appears in the Journal of Computing in Small Colleges, v14(4), 256-257, May 1999.
- Kim, Ruben ’99 (1999). A computational experiment in number theory. Abstract appears in the Journal of Computing in Small Colleges, v14(4), 270-271, May 1999.
- Aspeslagh, Ken ’00 and Pasquale, Matt ’99 (1998). Cracking all night — nocturnal execution and implementation of an encryption breaking application. Abstract appears in the Journal of Computing in Small Colleges, v13(5), April 1998, 217-218.
- Buggia, Nathan ’01 (1998). Mine Hunter and NetTools: Java toys and tools. Abstract appears in the Journal of Computing in Small Colleges, v13(5), April 1998, 226-227.